What have been happening and what may happen?

Arctic sea ice has been melting rapidly for decades. The Antarctic as well as the Greenland are on the same line i.e., melting. This is adding enormous amount of fresh water right into the oceans. As a result, there is a constant rise in sea level, and the scientists have said, once this process has started, it won't be stopping for hundreds of years no matter what we do, but it can of course be slowed down by cutting down global temperature or global warming.

This has resulted in the frequent formation of more devastating and stronger storms especially hurricanes, which are causing too much loss of life and property whenever and wherever they strike. And this would be happening globally all over the world. So nobody is safe anymore. Continuous rise in sea level will cause all the coastal cities of the world to go underwater and will make them inhabitable for humans.
It has changed the weather patterns all throughout the world. Now we experience hotter summers, colder winters, severe droughts and famines, and heavier rainfall causing floods frequently. The period of weather has also shifted, as now we have short winters, long summers, and heavy rainfall while sometimes no rainfall at all. Loss of food, land, property, and lives are likely to cause disruption of global peace and humanity. Loss of plants and animals can never be recovered or brought back once they become extinct. Loss of animals would disrupt the food chain, while loss of plants and trees would cause further global warming as they are the very ones to stop it from happening. Many innocent people who never even harmed the environment, will have to suffer just because of our careless activities. In the end, we would've destroyed directly or indirectly our very own planet—our home—our lives.

Some critical facts to consider: —
♦ Satellite data suggest over the last 20 years, the Greenland ice sheet has lost 140 billion tonnes of ice per year. This has raised sea levels by about 7.8 millimetres — 12 per cent of total sea level rise in that time.
♦ Recently, NASA has shared its satellite images on its website, confirming that the area covered by Arctic sea ice at least four years old has decreased from 718,000 square miles (1,860,000 square kilometers) in September 1984 to only 42,000 square miles (110,000 square kilometers) in September 2016.
♦ The loss of ice means that sunlight, which previously would have been reflected back out to space, will instead be absorbed by the darker open ocean. Albedo is a measure of how well the earth’s surface reflects sunlight. Snow-covered sea ice has a high albedo and reflects 85 per cent of sunlight. But the open water revealed as ice melts is darker and absorbs more — reflecting just seven per cent. The less sunlight is reflected, the more heat the planet absorbs.

♦ Global sea levels have risen about seven inches over the past century and that pace is accelerating. Not only does this threaten coastal regions, but it also makes storm surges much worse — both for huge hurricanes like Sandy, Harvey, Irma, and for smaller storms too.
♦ Scientists project that if we keep warming the planet at our current pace, sea levels could rise between two and seven feet by 2100, particularly as the world's glaciers and ice caps melt. As it turns out, reducing our emissions would help slow the rate of sea-level rise — but at this point, it's unlikely that we could stop further rises altogether.
♦ There are two ways that global warming causes sea levels to rise. First, as carbon-dioxide traps more heat on the planet, the oceans get warmer and expand in volume. Second, ice caps in Greenland and Antarctica as well as other glaciers start melting, pouring more water into the oceans. Once these processes get underway, they won't stop quickly, even if we ceased putting carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere tomorrow.
♦ More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. While during the past 40 years, close to 20 percent of the Amazon rain forest has been cut down—more than in all the previous 450 years since European colonization began.

If we do not stop what we've been losing and yet to lose, we would lose everything even what we actually need to survive on this planet. Moreover, our children or the generations ahead will have to suffer the most because of us. How safe our lives can be depends on how much we are able to protect our planet and keep it safe. The beauty of our incredible planet would become a history for the generations ahead as we've been destroying everything that makes this planet so beautiful and worth a living or habitable place for us and other organisms. If we do not move towards humanity now, the life of our children will be destroyed as they will learn nothing about it when we would seem so inhumane. The human civilization can never progress in a better way unless we start moving on the right path of life doing right things in right time. Actually, the consequences can be much bigger and worse than our expectations. We've no idea what may happen when.
When will you believe in whatever wrong have been happening until now? And when will you do something that really counts in life? There would be certainly no point in regretting after losing everything we've on this planet. What is once lost, is simply lost forever.

Day by day, the climate is degrading and is becoming so unpredictable that anything might happen at any time without any prior warning. Everything may be devastated within a moment. We would fall absolutely helpless to save ourselves or anyone out there struggling between life and death. That is what forms our biggest concern that if we do not do anything now, then we may not even get any other chance to do anything further ever again.
We are all different but we're the same as human beings. We may have nothing to do with each other. We may have different paths to move on, but somewhere our destinations meet together on the same planet that we call home. We are connected together by love and humanity. And when it comes to our planet, we must stand together to do everything we can unless everything becomes safe.

If we can't save our lives ourselves then there are some good people struggling out there every day to do it for us. But without our support in time, they are falling helpless. If they fall helpless, our lives would simply come into danger. If we don't help them now, they won't be able to protect this planet or save our lives anymore.
Our planet may not be fortunate enough to receive help from all its inhabitants, but few good and brave people who care enough to make the change, can save everything on this planet from extinction and destruction that mankind has ever known. And you're probably one of them. We're really honoured to have you as a part of this noble mission. You're the hope for a better tomorrow.
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